Management of the Automated information system of state land cadastre and technical support is a structural subdivision of the Directorate of land inventory and technical inspection of real estate (further - Directorate). The center was created with the purpose of installation, maintenance, collection, collation and maintenance of database of the state land cadastre on the basis of the Decision of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.06.2000 № 991 “the creation Of a single automated database of taxpayers of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and No. 1449 dated 25.09.2000 G. “On the establishment of a unified system of state cadastre of natural objects of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of digital geo-information systems”, the Order of RSE “SPC” № 24-from 17.02.2003 g
7 November 2006 by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Informatization and communications issued by the Certificate of registration of information resources and information systems.
Development and implementation of projects using GIS technologies evaluated the following diplomas and certificates.
Development and implementation of projects using GIS technologies evaluated the following diplomas and certificates.