According to Article 44-1 of the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Corporation, the leading state land cadastre, is obliged to place on the Internet - resource land and cadastral schemes of cities and regions with a periodicity of updating the data weekly.
ArcView, ArcGIS Desktop | Nurkerim Maksat Kayratuly |
ArcSDE | Nurkerim Maksat Kayratuly |
Oracle | Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich |
Setting general program | Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich |
Installing PC AIS SLC | Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich |
Operating systems | Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich |
Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino | Nurkerim Maksat Kayratuly |
ArcMap | Жумадильдин Кайрат Сейтказинович |
Oracle | Шаханова Гульнур Серсембековна |
ПК АИС ГЗК | Мустафина Жулдыз Еркиновна |
The creation of a graphical part of the database of AIS SLC | Жумадильдин Кайрат Сейтказинович |
Plans | Telnov Vladimir Vasilevich |
Data transfer | Zhumadildin Kairat Seytkazinovich |
References and classifiers | Shakhanova Gulnur Sersembekovna |
Other issues | Mustafina Zhuldyz Erkinovna |