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Department of the Land Cadastre and Automated Information System of the State Land Cadastre is a subdivision of the Directorate of the land cadastre and technical real estate survey. The center was established with the purpose of implementation, maintenance, collect, organize and maintain a database of the State Land Cadastre on the basis of the Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.06.2000, № 991 «On creation of a unified automated data bank of taxpayers of the Republic of Kazakhstan» and the number 1449 of 25.09.2000 «on creation of a unified system of state cadastre of natural objects of Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of digital geographic information systems» the Order «NPСzem» number 24 from 17.02.2003
Learn more about us
Almaty Astana Shymkent Akmola region Aktobe region Almaty region Atyrau region East Kazakhstan region Zhambyl region West Kazakhstan region Karagandy region Kostanai region Kyzylorda region Mangystau region Pavlodar region North Kazakhstan region Turkestan region Region Abay Region Zhetysu Region Ulytau

According to Article 44-1 of the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Corporation, the leading state land cadastre, is obliged to place on the Internet - resource land and cadastral schemes of cities and regions with a periodicity of updating the data weekly.

Who to contact

Technical issues

ArcView, ArcGIS Desktop Nurkerim Maksat Kayratuly
ArcSDE Nurkerim Maksat Kayratuly
Oracle Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich
Setting general program Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich
Installing PC AIS SLC Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich
Operating systems Seidakhmetov Serik Seytzhanovich
Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino Nurkerim Maksat Kayratuly

The user (operator) issues

ArcMap Жумадильдин Кайрат Сейтказинович
Oracle Шаханова Гульнур Серсембековна
ПК АИС ГЗК Мустафина Жулдыз Еркиновна

General questions

The creation of a graphical part of the database of AIS SLC Жумадильдин Кайрат Сейтказинович
Plans Telnov Vladimir Vasilevich
Data transfer Zhumadildin Kairat Seytkazinovich
References and classifiers Shakhanova Gulnur Sersembekovna
Other issues Mustafina Zhuldyz Erkinovna